Sunday, February 19, 2012

Small Steps

Well, by now I've told Riverside that I will be stepping out as Music Minister.  My wife and I have been given an opportunity to work for an amazing ministry called Clear Camps and we feel that God is calling us to travel with this ministry this summer.  If you recall, my last post was about saying "Yes" to God and we feel that this is just a small step in where he is taking us.

I have to be honest though.  I'm a little bit scared.  As of now we don't have any income lined up and that takes away any sense of security I had in a job.  This is where we fully believe that God will provide for us.  He already has in amazing ways with a place to stay thanks to our incredible family.  But now comes the matter of food and various bills that we can't 100% get rid of.  The fun part is I fully believe that God will provide, I just don't know how.

And if you're from Riverside and reading this, which I really hope some of you read my blog, I pray that my life can be an example to you of what it means to take a step of faith.  Yes, it's scary and frightful.  No, I don't exactly know where I'll end up.  But that doesn't really matter to me anymore because, if I say no to God here, I'm actually disobeying his calling in my life, and we wouldn't want that now would we.

I have fully enjoyed my time at Riverside.  I am grateful for the two years I was able to spend here. You have taught me much more than I could have ever taught you.  As I close I want to leave you with the words of a song we sang this morning...

My heart will sing no other name but the name of Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Love you David. I miss your friendship and musical talent. You and Bethany truly were a blessing to me and Abbey.
